What is interesting to notice is that 2.500 sites were closed before and through the 17th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. One “black-out†that, according to Le Figaro, is probable to be repeated with the Beijing Olympic Games this year. Syria also blocked access to more than 100 sites and online services at the end of 2007, including the social networking site Facebook, Hotmail and the telephone service Skype. Government justifies these actions stating that these sites were being infiltrated by the Israeli secret police.
The last known incident is related with Ahmad Fouad al-Farhan, who denounced in his famous blog (http://www.alfarhan.org/) Saudi Arabia leaders’ corruption and the inhuman politics prisoners’ treatment. He was arrested on the 10th of December and he’s situation is still a secret. El Pais refers that his blog was the most popular Saudi Arabia blog.
“Voyage au couer de la censure†– http://www.rsf.org/IMG/pdf/Voyage_au_coeur_de_la_censure_FR.pdf
Le Figaro – http://www.lefigaro.fr/hightech/2008/01/02/01007-20080102ARTFIG00312-les-nouvelles-trouvailles-de-la-cyber-censure.php
El Pais –http://www.elpais.com/articulo/sociedad/Detenido/autor/blog/popular/Arabia/Saudi/elpepusoc/20080108elpepisoc_10/Tes