
As a result of my interdisciplinary research, I have published in top-tier outlets in both Social and Computer Sciences. In Sociology, refereed articles in peer-reviewed journals provide the ‘gold standard’ of research excellence. In Computer Science, peer-reviewed articles published in conference proceedings are the ‘gold standard’ due to innovation and time constraints.


Neves, B. B., Sanders, A., Warren, N. & Ko, PC. (2023). Loneliness in Later Life as Existential Inequality. Sociology,

Bortoli, L. Â. D., De Marchi, A. C. B., Castaman, A. S., Neves, B. B., Scortegagna, H. D. M., & Hannecker, L. A. (2023). Agile manifesto of non-formal education for older adults-a co-design experience. Educational Gerontology, 1-12.

Neves, B. B. & Wilson, J. (2023). ‘Conversation on Method: Merging Sociology and Art to capture loneliness in later life‘ In ‘Small Data is Beautiful‘, edited by Rachel Fensham, Tyne Daile Sumner, Signe Ravn, Ashley Barnwell, and Danny Butt. Grattan Street Press.

Miller, E., Wilding, R., Baker, S., Caldwell, G. A., Neves, B. B., & Waycott, J. (2023). Transforming aged care with virtual reality: How organisational culture impacts technology adoption and sustained uptake. Australasian Journal on Ageing.

Neves, B. B., Wilson, J., Sanders, A., Kokanović, R., & Burns, K. (2023). ‘Live Gerontology’: Understanding and Representing Aging, Loneliness, and Long-Term Care through Science and Art. The Gerontologist, gnad080.

Award: Innovative Research on Aging Award, Mather Institute (US).

Neves, B. B., Petersen, A., Vered, M., Carter, A., & Omori, M. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Long-Term Care: Technological Promise, Aging Anxieties, and Sociotechnical Ageism. Journal of Applied Gerontology, Special Issue on Ageism, 07334648231157370.

Teshale, A. B., Htun, H. L., Hu, J., Dalli, L. L., Lim, M. H., Neves, B. B., … & Freak-Poli, R. (2023). The relationship between social isolation, social support, and loneliness with cardiovascular disease and shared risk factors: a narrative review. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 105008.


Neves, B. B., Colón Cabrera, D., Sanders, A., & Warren, N. (2022). Pandemic diaries: lived experiences of loneliness, loss, and hope among older adults during COVID-19. The Gerontologist,

Mead, G., & Neves, B. B. (2022). Contested delegation: Understanding critical public responses to algorithmic decision-making in the UK and Australia. The Sociological Review, 00380261221105380.

Neves, B. B., & Mead, G. (2022). Digital technology and older people: Towards a sociological approach to technology adoption in later life. Sociology55(5), 888-905.

Waycott, J., Kelly, R. M., Baker, S., Neves, B. B., Thach, K. S., & Lederman, R. (2022). The Role of Staff in Facilitating Immersive Virtual Reality for Enrichment in Aged Care: An Ethic of Care Perspective. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-17) [ranks 1st in Human-Computer Science/Computer Science].

Award: Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2022, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Neves, B. B., & Baecker, R. (2022). Mixing methods and sciences: A longitudinal cross-disciplinary mixed methods study on technology to address social isolation and loneliness in later life. Journal of Mixed Methods Research16(1), 88-113 [IF: 5.746; ranks 5th in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, JCR; 5th in Statistics & Probability, CiteScore].


Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Jenny Waycott, Alexia Maddox (2021). When Technologies are Not Enough: The Challenges of Digital Interventions to Address Loneliness in Later Life. Sociological Research Online. Media coverage: ABC, Aged Care Insite News, Community Care Review.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Josephine Wilson, Sandra Sanders & Renata Kokanovic (2021). Using crystallization to understand loneliness in later life: integrating social science and creative narratives in sensitive qualitative research. Qualitative Research. doi:10.1177/14687941211005943. Media coverage: The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, SBS, The House of Wellness TV, Insite, Monash Lens Op-ed, Monash Lens Interview, National Seniors, Your Life Choices.

Barnwell, A., Neves, B. B., & Ravn, S. (2021). Captured and captioned: Representing family life on Instagram. New Media & Society, 14614448211012791.

Casimiro, Claudia & Neves, B. B. (2021). Edited Special Issue “Family life & Information & Communication Technologies in a Globalized World” (Portuguese-speaking countries) in Análise Social. This issue includes three articles: the first examined the role of family in Internet use among Portuguese mature adults; the second explored the outcomes of technology use among Angolan and Portuguese transnational families; and the third analysed the relationship between new technologies, family networks, and political socialization among Brazilian youth.

Sin, J., L. Franz, R., Munteanu, C., & Neves, B. B. (2021, May). Digital Design Marginalization: New Perspectives on Designing Inclusive Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-11).

Coghlan, S., Waycott, J., Lazar, A., & Neves, B. B. (2021). Dignity, Autonomy, and Style of Company: Dimensions Older Adults Consider for Robot Companions. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW1), 1-25. Awards: Honorable Mention Award at CSCW 2021.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa (2021). Technology, Design, and the 3Ps – The Problem of Problematising Ageing as Problematic. In Peine, A., Marshall, B. L., Martin, W., & Neven, L. (Eds.) Socio-Gerontechnology Interdisciplinary Critical Studies of Ageing and Technology, Routledge.

Cook, P. S., Curryer, C., Banks, S., Neves, B. B., Omori, M., Mallon, A. H., & Lam, J. (2021). Ageism and Risk during the Coronavirus Pandemic. In Lupton, D., & Willis, K. (Eds.) The COVID-19 Crisis: Social Perspectives, Routledge.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Ron Baecker (2020). Mixing Methods and Sciences: A Longitudinal Cross-Disciplinary Mixed Methods Study on Technology to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness in Later Life. Journal of Mixed Methods Research.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Geoffrey Mead (2020). Digital Technology and Older People: Towards a Sociological Approach to Technology Adoption in Later Life. Sociology.

Baker, S., Waycott, J., Robertson, E., Carrasco, R., Neves, B. B., Hampson, R., & Vetere, F. (2020). Evaluating the use of interactive virtual reality technology with older adults living in residential aged care. Information Processing & Management, 57(3), 102105.

 Sayago, S., Blat, J., & Barbosa Neves, B. (2020). At the Intersection of Digital Games, Gender, and Age: A Participant Observational Study with Active Older Women. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 360-364).

Ravn, Signe, Ash Barnwell, & Barbara Barbosa Neves (2020). What Is Publicly Available Data? Exploring Blurred Public-Private Boundaries and Ethical Practices Through a Case Study on Instagram. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 1556264619850736. Authors’ copy here.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Alexandra Sanders, & Renata Kokanovic. ‘It’s the worst bloody feeling in the world’: Experiences of loneliness and social isolation among older people living in care homes. Journal of Aging Studies, 49, 74-84. Author’s copy here.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Frank Vetere. Ageing and Digital Technology: Designing and Evaluating Emerging Technologies for Older Adults. Springer.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Frank Vetere. Ageing and Emerging Technologies. In Neves and Vetere (eds.), Ageing and Digital Technology: designing and evaluating emerging technologies for older adults. London: Springer. Author’s copy here.

Franz, Rachel, Barbara Barbosa Neves, et al. Why and How Think Alouds with Older Adults Fail: Recommendations from a Study and Expert Interviews. In Sergio Sayago (eds.), Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction with Older People. Switzerland: Springer.

 Franz, Rachel & Barbara Barbosa Neves. Usability is Ageless, Usability Testing is not: Conducting Usability Tests with Older Adults. In Neves and Vetere (eds.), Ageing and Digital Technology: designing and evaluating emerging technologies for older adults. London: Springer.

Pasqualotti, Adriano, Fausto Amaro, & Barbara Barbosa Neves. Exergames and Neuropsychological Functions among Older Adults. In Neves and Vetere (eds.), Ageing and Digital Technology: designing and evaluating emerging technologies for older adults. London: Springer.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Diana Carvalho, Fernando Serra, Analia Torres, & Si­lvia Fraga. Social Capital in Transition (s) to Early Adulthood: A Longitudinal and Mixed-Methods Approach. Journal of Adolescent Research. Prepub here.


Coghlan, Simon, Jenny Waycott, Barbara Barbosa Neves & Frank Vetere (2018). ‘Using Robot Pets Instead of Companion Animals for Older People: A Case of Reinventing the Wheel?’, ACM, OzCHI.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Claudia Casimiro. Connecting Families? An Introduction In Connecting Families? Information & Communication Technologies, Generations, and the Life Course. Policy Press.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Ron Baecker, Diana Dias de Carvalho, & Alexandra Sanders. ‘‘Cross-disciplinary research methods to study technology use, family, and life course dynamics: lessons from an action research project on social isolation and loneliness in later life’, In Connecting Families? Information & Communication Technologies, Generations, and the Life Course. Policy Press.

Geoffrey Mead & Barbara Barbosa Neves. ‘Recursive approaches to technology adoption, families, and the life course: actor-network theory and strong-structuration theory’, In Connecting Families? Information & Communication Technologies, Generations, and the Life Course. Policy Press. Authors version here.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Jenny Waycott, & Sue Malta. Old and afraid of new communication technologies? Reconceptualising and contesting the ‘age-based digital divide’. Journal of Sociology, 1440783318766119. Prepub here.

Franklin, Adrian, Barbara Barbosa Neves, Nick Hookway, Roger Patulny, et al. (2018). Towards an understanding of loneliness among Australian men: Gender cultures, embodied expression and the social bases of belonging. Journal of Sociology, 1440783318777309.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Jaime R. S. Fonseca, Fausto Amaro, & Adriano Pasqualotti. Social capital and Internet use in an age-comparative perspective with a focus on later life. PLOS One. Authors’ version here. Final version (online).

Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Rachel Franz, Cosmin Munteanu, & Ron Baecker. Adoption and feasibility of a communication app to enhance social connectedness amongst frail institutionalized oldest old: an embedded case study. Information Communication & Society. DOI:
Pre-print, here.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Rachel Franz, Rebecca Judges, Christian Beermann & Ron Baecker. Can Digital Technology Enhance Social Connectedness Among Older Adults? A Feasibility Study. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Pre-print here.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Geoffrey Mead. ‘The interpretive and ideal-type approach: Rethinking digital non-use(s) in a Weberian perspective’. In Massimo Ragnedda and Glenn W. Muschert (Eds.), Theorizing Digital Divides, Routledge Advances in Sociology. London: Routledge. Authors’ version here.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Rita Rente (2017). Non-aligned? Young Non-Users of Social Networking Sites – A Weberian Perspective [In Portuguese]. Sociologia Problemas e Práticas.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Ana Fernandes. Generational Bridge. In Shehan, C. L. (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Amaro, Fausto and Barbara Barbosa Neves. Families in Portugal. In Shehan, C. L. (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Jaime Fonseca. Latent Class Models in Action: Bridging Social Capital and Internet Use. Social Science Research, 50, 15-30.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Rachel Franz, Cosmin Munteanu, Ronald Baecker, and Mags Ngo. ‘My hand doesn’t listen to me’: Adoption and Evaluation of a Communication Technology for the ‘Oldest Old’, CHI’15, ACM.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa et al. The ‘Non-Aligned’: Young People’s Narratives of Rejection of Social Networking Sites. Young, 23(2), 116-135.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa. Does the Internet matter for strong ties? Bonding Social Capital, Internet Use, and Age-based Inequality. International Review of Sociology, 25(3), 415-433. Preview full text.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Fausto Amaro. Internet Use Amongst Older Adults: A Critical Perspective (In Portuguese). In Pasqualotti, A., Gil, H., & Fausto Amaro (eds.), Tecnologias de Informação no Processo de Envelhecimento Humano, Universidade de Passo Fundo Editora. Full text.

Torres, A., Barros, H., Neves, B.B., Carvalho, D., Maciel, D., Ramos, E., Assuncao, F. et al. (2015). EPITeen24: Reproducing or going
against social destiny? A longitudinal study of a cohort born in the 90s of the XX century in Portugal. Final Report, ISCSP: Lisbon.


Baecker, R., Sellen, K., Boscart, V., Crosskey, S., and Neves, Barbara Barbosa (2014). Technology to Reduce Social Isolation and Loneliness. ACM SIGACCESS, ACM.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa. Social Capital & Internet Use: The Irrelevant, the Bad, and the Good. Sociology Compass, 7(8), 599-611.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa, Fausto Amaro, & Jaime Fonseca. Coming of (old) age in the digital age: ICT usage and non-usage among older adults. Sociological Research Online. 18(2) 6.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Fausto Amaro. Too old for technology? How the elderly of Lisbon use and perceive ICT. The Journal of Community Informatics, 8 (1).

Neves, Barbara Barbosa. Social Capital & Internet usage: A study in Lisbon. Doctoral Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (Abstract)

Neves, Barbara Barbosa. Enabling local development through digital cities: examples from Portugal. In Regional and Urban Developments in Portuguese-Speaking Countries, New York: Nova Science Publishers.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa & Fausto Amaro. “Family Diversity & Gender” (eds of special issue), Journal of Comparative Family Studies (JCFS), Sept/Oct., Vol. 42, No. 5.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa. Cidadania Digital? Das cidades digitais a Barack Obama. Uma abordagem crítica., in Morgado, Isabel Salema e Antonio Rosas (org), Cidadania Digital, Labcom, UBI.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa. “Are digital cities intelligent? The Portuguese Case”, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (IJIRD), 1(4), 443-463.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa. “Digital Cities and the Reinforcement of Citizenship: a Sociological Approach to Two Portuguese Digital Cities”, Citizenship (s): Practises and Discourses, Porto: Universidade Fernando Pessoa Press.


Bilhim, Joao & Barbara Barbosa Neves. Governo electronico em Portugal. In Coelho, Joao Dias (eds), A Sociedade da Informação em Portugal, Lisboa: APDSI.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa. As cidades e regioes digitais – Governaçao e comunidade na Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento”, XII Clad.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa. Inovação, Modernização e Competitividade na Administração Pública – O exemplo do Governo Electrónico em Portugal, Espanha e Irlanda, XII Clad.


Neves, Barbara Barbosa.“As cidades digitais e o reforço da cidadania: Uma abordagem sociológica do Gaia Global e do Aveiro Digital, Tese de Mestrado / Master’s Thesis, Universidade de Lisboa.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa. Digital Cities: Preliminary Findings, Working Paper CAPP n. 5/06.


Bilhim, João & Barbara Barbosa Neves. “New ethical challenges in a changing Public Administration: The E-Government case”, Proceedings of the ASPA/EGPA (American Society of Public Administration, European Group of Public Administration) meeting, June, Leuven, Belgium.

Bilhim, João & Barbara Barbosa Neves. Digital Cities: a Local Approach to Bridge the Digital Divide. Digital Initiatives to Tackle Info-Exclusion, Working Paper CAPP n. 3/05.

Neves, Barbara Barbosa. A Cultura Hip Hop em Portugal: Abordagem Sociológica dos Processos de Integração e Contestação Social do Rap – este é um pequeno trabalho de investigação que fiz no âmbito de uma cadeira semestral de primeiro ano de Mestrado. Apesar de não estar editado, ser um estudo pouco aprofundado e de estar muito intensivo na descrição das técnicas utilizadas (pois era um dos requisitos do trabalho) decidi incluir aqui, porque tenho recebido ultimamente alguns pedidos. APalavras-chave: Rap, Hip Hop, Portugal, Subcultura, Contracultura, Juventude, Integração Social, Grupos, Identidade, Chullage. Tem uma licença creative commons.