China Fights Back….

According to the Globe and Mail information, hackers attacked the website of a French magazine this month, trying to influence an opinion poll on the Beijing Olympics and change the site’s content.

Jean-Joel Gurviez, publisher of the magazine, said the website of the business magazine Capital was first hit in March, when it opened a poll on whether France should boycott the Games’ opening ceremony in China.

“On the first day, we had about 300 responses, which was normal for this type of poll, and they were 80 per cent in favour of a boycott. The next day there were 20,000 responses, with 80 per cent opposing a boycott,” he said. Almost all of the responses arrived via Chinese servers, leading technicians to primarily think the invasion was driven by Chinese sites directing patriotic fans to vote.

“But a few days later we had hackers operating off servers in China try to change our content, and there were 2.5 million attempts to access protected files. We had to shut down the site temporarily,” Gurviez explains.

Guerviez said the magazine had no direct proof Chinese hackers had directed the attacks, but it has filed a complaint with the police. “The attacks came after the torch protests, many were attempts to post pro-Chinese slogans, and all came from computers in China, so I think it’s pretty clear”, he states.

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